The goal of this project is to explore the possibilities and advantages of inducing synesthetic experiences in Virtual Reality. So far we have done preliminary research and achieved a proof-of-concept implementation of the technological means. The contribution is described in several research papers. The current task is to improve the prototype and ensure that the underlying software platform is stable and yet flexible for future developments.
Involved personnel: Aleksei Tepljakov, Ahmet Kose, Eduard Petlenkov, Kristina Vassiljeva, Dirk Draheim, Sergei Astapov.
Related publications
A. Köse, A. Tepljakov, S. Astapov, D. Draheim, E. Petlenkov, and K. Vassiljeva, “Towards a synesthesia laboratory: real-time localization and visualization of a sound source for virtual reality applications”. Journal of Communications Software and Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1–9, 2018.
A. Köse, A. Tepljakov, and S. Astapov, “Real-time Localization and Visualization of a Sound Source for Virtual Reality Applications,” in Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 2017, Split, Croatia, pp. 1–6.
A. Tepljakov, S. Astapov, E. Petlenkov, K. Vassiljeva, and D. Draheim, “Sound Localization and Processing for Inducing Synesthetic Experiences in Virtual Reality,” in Proc. 15th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, 2016, Laulasmaa, Estonia, pp. 159–162. Talk slides.